
The Real Neat Blog Awards are doing the rounds at the moment, and the lovely Z nominated me – thanks Z! 🙂 I love things like this because it helps people find some great new blogs to read, and gives a bit of an insight into other authors.

real-neat-blog-awardThere are 3 things involved as part of the award:

  • Thank and link the person who nominated you.
  • Answer the seven questions your nominator has provided.
  • Nominate 7 other bloggers and create 7 questions for them

The 7 questions Z gave me are:

If you couldn’t blog about WoW anymore, what would you blog about?

I’ve had a blog/journal of some sort since I received a diary on my 12th birthday from a friend I no longer have. (I still have that original journal!) I’ve always managed to find something to write about, even if I did have big gaps in between. Usually I just write about what’s going on around me, which is how my WoW blog came to be – I play WoW a lot so it makes sense to write about it.

But if I didn’t have WoW anymore, I’d just write about something else. Without WoW I’d have a LOT more free time to do other things I enjoy, so I imagine it would probably be a photography blog or movie/tv blog. Or even a different type of gaming blog, because let’s face it, I love the games!

What’s the best and worst thing about blogging?

The worst? Feeling like you’re talking into a void. I often find myself thinking “why do I bother doing this?” because a lot of the time I’m just talking to myself. But that’s usually my self-doubt talking (that voice really needs to be quiet!!). I try to ignore it and push it away, because that voice is just rude.

As for the best thing about blogging? Getting comments from people who have read what I have to say and then share their perspective. I enjoy the conversations (it’s why I like podcasting).

What’s your favourite achievement in WoW?

Hmmm this is a tough one. I think probably (finally) getting Loremaster would be up there as my favourites. Having said that, I’m constantly adding new goals and achievements to the to do list – I have a soft spot for them all, really. 🙂

How long have you been playing computer games?

Since I was a kid. My brother and I had a Commodore 64 with the old tapes in them. I remember one summer we were suffering in crazy heat. It was a summer of a haunted house, French-style cricket in the backyard, undercooked 2 minute noodles with WAY too much cheese, and the Commodore 64. We had it hooked up to our TV. We’d load up a tape and then wait AGES for it to load. They took forever. Half the time they wouldn’t work at all! My favourite was old school frogger. I still remember the sound effects to this day. It was one of the few things my brother and I did together that didn’t cause arguments.

After that we got into console gaming. We had a Sega Master System (Alex Kidd ftw!!) then a Mega Drive (that underwater Labyrinth zone in Sonic the Hedgehog still haunts me to this day!). Then we moved to the Nintendo side of things and got a Super NES. I remember the summer between primary school and high school, listening to Alanis Morisette’s Jagged Little Pill album while making my way through Donkey Kong Country. Later, when we had a Nintendo 64, Bomberman would become my jam, as well as Super Mario 64. Good memories 🙂

If you could have one day to do anything in, what would you do?

As lame as it sounds, I’d do anything with Thor. We’ve had some lovely adventures together in the past, so I’d want to do another with him. Maybe grab a boat and sail somewhere awesome. Or jump on a plane and end up in some lovely remote location. Somewhere away from the city for awhile, I think! 🙂

What’s your favourite food?

It’s a tough fight between lasagne and ice-cream. Om nom nom

Where do you prefer to go, Mountains or Beach?

I want to live on a mountain by the beach – best of both worlds! I like the isolation of the mountains, but I love the smell and the sounds of the ocean.

I choose you!

So the next part of this is to choose 7 bloggers and create questions for them, but everyone I would have nominated has already been nominated! So instead, I’m going to share some of my favourite blogs that I read. Check them out and say hi! 🙂

8 responses to “Neat!”

  1. You can I feel the same way about blogging. Oh and thanks for the nom, yours is pretty awesome too. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for the nomination, dear 🙂 I really enjoy your posts so definitely don’t listen to that rude voice!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ty for the nomination. Z got me too. 😊. I really appreciate your blog challenges. It encourages me to write when I am not in the mood

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad! They do the same for me too

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks Cindz! You know I always think you’re amazing AND neat!

    Liked by 1 person

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