By the light!

The alt that I have been working on lately has been my priest. I’ve never been very good at being a priest. Shadow just doesn’t mesh well with me, and I didn’t really like holy last time I tried it either. Same for Discipline, really. But I *really* wanted the priest class mount. And the hidden appearance for Disc is a book, so I just had to get it. So I got to it.

~*~*~*~*~Warning – priest campaign spoilers ahead!~*~*~*~*~

Turns out, I quite like playing Disc! I’m absolutely terrible at it, but I can do it well enough to get by. The recent changes to Artifact Knowledge also really helped- having a powerful weapon made hitting things a lot better! I was also really lucky to have some kind guildies who were very patient with me and took me through the dungeons I needed to do… they gave me tips on what to do, and were very kind when I accidentally died to everything in the world.

I did things a bit out of order. I went off and grabbed my hidden appearance for my priest as soon as I remembered I wanted it again (it’s been a busy time!) Getting this appearance was one of the more positive hidden-appearance-collecting experiences. I grabbed all the info from wowhead, but essentially you have to run around Azeroth collecting missing pieces from a book. I was quite lucky in that most of the pages spawned when I went to them… except for one. Unfortunately it didn’t spawn any time I was looking for it, and so my collecting activities ended up going over the weekly reset, which meant some of the pages I had collected previously would not count, and I would need to get them again. (There’s a great macro on that link above that lets you know which pages you have available).

Anyways, I ended up finding all the pieces, and this beautiful appearance is mine!

Next up to get done was the campaign. The Priest campaign itself was fine. Because I had already done the paladin campaign, I knew what was coming. Whilst it was a wee bit disappointing to have so much crossover between the two classes, it made sense, and I still enjoyed it. I also really like the artifact appearance you get for completing the campaign, too. (but the hidden one is still my favourite!)WoWScrnShot_102717_214130.jpg

So that left me with just getting my class mount. I got myself up to the point where I had to do a Legion Invasion to proceed, but unfortunately there wasn’t one up while I was awake for a little while! Thankfully we had one from 9:30pm last night, so my lovely friends Mel, Leeta & Natanie went along with me and did the invasion so I could keep going through the quest line. Afterwards, I pushed through all the required quests right up until I needed to complete a Broken Shore order hall mission. I had one up, so I sent some followers off on that and went to bed.

This morning, my mission complete, I only had a few more quests to do, then it was time to go get my beautiful mount.

Now, I have said time and time again that I think the shaman campaign is amazing, and getting the class mount was also a lot of fun. But I think getting the priest mount is the new winner. This experience was so different to anything else I’d done! It was wonderful.


You’re still here? Ok!

Acquiring our mount starts with a visit from The Speaker himself, Magni Bronzebeard!! He has stopped by our Order Hall because he has a message and a mission from Azeroth- to find a hidden Titan Vault. And we’re going to get there BY SUBMARINE!! I was irrationally excited about the submarine adventures… 😀WoWScrnShot_102917_092216.jpg

So off we went. We head towards the Maelstrom where the vault is said to be. I may have taken way too many screenshots at this point, because it was just really awesome. There was also really great banter between Magni, Brann and Betild as we travel through the ocean, and we learn a bit more about how Azeroth communicates with Magni.


We arrive at the entrance to the vault. I giggled as Brann ran around like his usual excited self, as he tried to find levers and buttons and switches to open the doors. Of course The Speaker didn’t need any levers to get in…

Once inside, the room looked like other titan vaults we have seen before. But this one was under water, so the view outside was really cool.

I won’t go into the specifics of what happens in there, but seriously, Brann cracks me up so much. It made for a really enjoyable experience.

With the mission complete, it was time to head back to Dalaran. But I just could not resist going for a wander back around to the cave where we entered. I love exploring new places! I didn’t expect to find anything, but it was still really beautiful. One of the best parts though, was that the lighting in the area was really quite dark, so it gave me the opportunity to take some really nice golden-priest screenshots.

Then it was back to my Order Hall for a ceremony where everyone (rightly so!!) bowed to my wonderfulness, and the beautiful mount was mine.

Overall, I really enjoyed the campaign. And I just adore the mount- it’s smushed up face is adorable, and I love all the sparkles and feathers and stuff that float around it. It’s gorgeous!

So that’s now five campaigns done. I can’t quite decide who to level next. I had started my hunter, but I’m just not feeling it yet… I played around on my warrior last night, and whilst she’s loads of fun, the mount doesn’t really appeal to me. I think I need to work on my monk next. The mount is up there as one of my favourites, and that class has the added bonus of getting a pet when you get the Power Ascended achievement. So I’m thinking that should be my next goal. But with the schedule I have ahead of me, she won’t be levelled any time soon, unfortunately.

In the meantime, I’m really glad to have my priest mount! 🙂

6 responses to “By the light!”

  1. Congrats!!!


    1. I would be remiss if I didn’t post this.


  2. What a fun journey, grats!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lord of Icecrown Avatar
    Lord of Icecrown

    Uau, amazing screenshots 😀

    Congrats! Thank you for sharing your adventure 🙂

    The Disc priest artifact is one of my favourites, I love all the possible appearances.


  4. Grats!! I didn’t know about the hidden appearance being a book. It looks awesome.


  5. Oo, I didnt know that appearance existed at all, that is super cool! And what a journey, thank you for sharing 🙂 I really wish one could be an audience to other peoples class quests. I wont have time to play more than one character ever, so it would be so great.


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